PSSA mass build 2020 – my Fury FJ3

(or things to do during the lock-down)

With the Covid virus on everyone’s mind I thought I would throw in a diversion ad talk about something I am doing in my spare time. I thought it would be good to get away from photography for a change. So I am writing about my participation in the Power Scale Soaring Association 2020 mass build.

The project, started in November 2019, is to build a Sabre to be complete and flown by June 2020 at The Great Orme in North Wales. The picture above shows the prototype. The date has of course slipped, just as well as my model has not yet yaken to the air!

I opened my balsa precut pack and checked it out. The quality is excellent. I have had to purchase some extra balsa, and being a foam fan I have added some of that too.

The plans are comprehensive and the aircraft is 1/10 scale. I have, of course, chosen my colour scheme and variant. I am modelling an FJ3 Fury, based on the USS Forrestal aircraft carrier.

Image from pinterest

Whilst I dont expect to achieve the fantastic quality of the other group members I do hope to have a flyable machine that looks ok if you step back a bit!

So where have I got to with the build –

We have a pilot in standard 1950’s jet flyer gear. His name is Captain Grey.
… and the airframe is coming together.

So in my ‘downtime’ I am busily modelling this aircraft and solving various problems along the way, like how to make the external fuel tanks drop off or how to make the tailplane work.

Its great fun, very therapeutic and there are getting on for one hundred of us taking part in the build.

So there we are – a total aside from my normal ramblings. I hope I will get to post photos of her flying soon. if you want to follow my build blog, or see how the better experienced are doing the link is here – Sackys FJ3 Fury

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