Well the Corona virus has certainly had an impact for everyone. The streets are quieter and in the main everyone is taking the threat seriously. My wifes’ high street knitting shop, Neath Valley Wools, has closed as has her on-line shop Smallscrafts. At Saturn Films 1969 we are continuing to… Read more“A good time to scan those photos ?”
Tag: negatives to digital. scan slides
How long does it take to scan slides ?
The question most people ask, quite rightly so, is how long will my slide, negative, photo, cine or video digitising project take ? The answer is going to depend on many variable as each project is different, different numbers, formats, levels of colour degradation and so on – that’s why… Read more“How long does it take to scan slides ?”
Photographing 35mm slides and negatives
Sometimes I read an article in a magazine and it makes me re-evaluate where Saturn Films 1969 ranks in the scanning world. One such article leapt out of the pages of NPhoto magazine. It was relevant because it was about copying 35mm slides and negatives so I was interested. I… Read more“Photographing 35mm slides and negatives”
Keeping it simple
Bits and pixels
Do you ever wonder about bit depth and the pixel count? May be there are other things to worry about which are more important – however this is what I am thinking about right now! (The SpaceX flight has been put back till tomorrow and I am still sitting downstairs… Read more“Bits and pixels”