A new service for those who want to edit their own images

Unedited image scans

Want to have your scans at 15p each?

Several customers have asked whether I can provide unedited images at a cheaper price. Having considered the requests I have decided to introduce a new service. We will scan your negatives and slides as tif files (jpeg on request) but will not edit them. They will be provided straight from the scanner for those of you who use this service to make your own edits, for example – rotation, cropping, colour adjustment and spot removal.

The price for this service is 15p per scan saved as tif or jpeg. There is a minimum order charge of £15. Postage is dependent on the order size and the charge for the usb will be the standard list price.

We hope this opens up the service to more users especially to those who want to work on their own images and save some money.

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